How to Make Lawn Mower Batteries Work Again

Do you have a dead lawn mower battery? Do you want to revive it but don't know how to do it? In general, a lawnmower battery can lose its charge and get dead during the winter months. Also, if you don't use your lawnmower for a long period, then the battery can become dead.

If you notice that your lawnmower is not starting or the battery is not working, then you can recharge the battery for a few hours to get it back. You can also take it to the nearest shop for repair. But in most cases, people consider replacing the old battery with a new one. Although it costs some money, it is the easiest way to make your lawn mower work again for many people.

However, there is another way to make the lawnmower battery fully functional with less or zero investment. This method is battery reconditioning. This method is very easy and can be performed by following some simple steps. By knowing this technique, you will also be able to maintain your lawn mower battery properly.

So, let's discuss the step-by-step method to restore your lawn mower battery at home.

Access Now: Dead Simple Trick To Bring Any Battery Back To Life

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How To Know If the Lawn Mower Battery Is Dead?

Before considering the restoration of the battery, you need to first ensure that the lawnmower battery is dead. This is very easy, and you can do it by performing some simple checks.

  • Make Sure That the Connections Are Right

If your lawnmower is not staring, then you first need to check and ensure that connections are correct. In general, the connections can get loose due to vibrations. But there can be other reasons as well for the loose connections in a battery. So, you can simply check the connections of your battery to know if they are loose.

If you find loose connections, you need to tighten the wires. If the electrical connections are solid, then the electricity can flow easily, and there will be no power issues at all.

  • Check The Battery Voltage

Another trick to know if your lawnmower battery is bad is to check the voltage of your battery. For this purpose, you need to use a voltmeter. Take the voltmeter and connect the red wire to the positive terminal of the battery and the black wire to the negative terminal of the battery.

The lawnmower battery should measure a voltage of 12 volts. If the battery measures less than 5 volts, then the battery is dead.

  • Start The Lawn Mower

If the battery is in the lawnmower and you have not used the lawnmower for a long time, then you can start it to check if the battery is fine. Turn on the lawnmower to see if the battery is fine. In this case, the lawnmower will start if the battery is in good condition. But if the battery is bad, then it will make a clicking or cranking sound. If this happens, then you can ensure that the battery is not in good condition.

By doing the above checks, you can easily determine if your lawnmower battery is bad or good. In case the battery is dead, you need to restore it.

Things Required to Restore a Dead Lawn Mower Battery

In order to restore your lawn mower battery, you need to have these things with you. Before going for the restoration process, you need to collect these items.

  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Epsom salt
  • Baking soda
  • 300 or 400 grit sandpaper
  • Towels
  • Load tester
  • Multimeter
  • Plastic bucket
  • One-gallon distilled water
  • Rubber gloves, safety goggles, and apron
  • Funnel

Step By Step Process to Restore a Lawn Mower Battery

Step 1 – Remove the Battery from The Lawn Mower and Clean It

The first step of the battery restoration process is to remove the battery from the lawnmower. You need to disconnect the wires from the battery terminals and take the battery out carefully. In general, lawnmower batteries form sulfates on the cells. The sulfate formation or the sulfation on the battery cells makes them weak before their lifespan.

Sulfation also affects the charging and discharging of batteries. Because of this, you need to first clean the sulfates from the battery surface. For this purpose, you can use a wet towel. But if the battery terminals are extremely affected by corrosion, then you need to use sandpaper or corrosion cleaner to clean that. A wet towel can't remove that corrosion. You can use 300 or 400 grit sandpaper to clean the corrosion.

Step 2 – Open the Battery Lids

Once the battery surface is cleaned, you can remove the cell caps of the battery using the flathead screwdriver. This is a simple process, but you need to be careful while doing this. Make sure that you are wearing an apron, a safety goggle, and rubber gloves when opening the battery caps.

The battery acid can burn your skin and clothes if you come in contact with it. Also, you need to ensure that you don't spill the acid while opening the battery caps.

Step 3 – Pour the Battery Electrolyte into The Plastic Bucket

After opening the caps, the next step is to pour the battery acid into the plastic bucket. During this process, you need to be careful because the acid is dangerous. You need to do it in a properly ventilated area so that there will be no issues.

Step 4 – Clean the Battery Cells

Once you have poured the battery acid into the plastic bucket, you need to clean the battery cells. For this, you will have to prepare a solution of baking soda and distilled water. You need to mix 40 ounces of baking soda with a glass of distilled water. Then make it thinner by adding more distilled water. You can use one gallon of distilled water for this purpose.

Then you have to pour this solution into the battery cells using the funnel. Fill all the cells and close the caps. After that, shake the battery for one to two minutes so that the mixture will reach all the corners. Keep the battery sill for two to three minutes so that some chemical reaction will happen inside. After that, you can empty the battery cells. This way, all the battery cells will be cleaned.

Step 5 – Prepare and Pour New Electrolyte into The Battery

Now, you will need to pour a new electrolyte into the battery cells. You can buy a new electrolyte from the market or prepare it in your home. To make battery electrolyte at home, you need to add four ounces of Epsom salt to a gallon of distilled water. Then stair the solution properly until the Epsom salt is dissolved in the water properly.

Then pour this solution into the battery cells using the funnel. Make sure that you fill all the cells of the battery to the top. Then you can opt to charge the battery.

Step 6 – Charge the Battery

Now the battery is ready for charging. You need to charge the battery with a trickle charger and let the battery charge slowly. You have to allow the battery to charge at 2 amps for at least 24 hours. After 24 hours, you can check if the battery is charged by using a multimeter. If the battery voltage is 12 volts or more, then the battery is charged, and you can opt for the load test.

Step 7 – Conduct A Load Test

Once the battery is fully charged, you can opt for the load test. From the load test, you can know the cranking amps of the battery. By doing so, you can know if the battery is suitable for operating a lawnmower. For a lawnmower, a cranking amp rating of 200 amps or more is good. Actually, the cranking amp rating for different batteries is different and is decided according to the application.

So, you will need to check and ensure that the cranking amp rating of the battery is ideal for a lawnmower before using it. Now, you need to disconnect the charger from the battery. Then fill the battery cells with the distilled water again and close the battery caps. Then you can use the battery in your lawnmower. Start the lawnmower and keep it on to initiate the battery cycle.

In case the cranking amp rating of the battery is not that good, then you need to disconnect it from the charger and use it in the car, and switch on the lights. After some time, check the cranking amp rating of the battery. If it is not good, then you can charge it again with another charger. After 24 hours, you can check the battery again. If the battery doesn't perform well, then you can ensure that the battery is not useful.

By following all the above steps correctly, you can restore your lawn mower battery easily. But if you find that the battery is not useful at all, then you need to consider disposing of the battery safely.

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Lawn Mower Battery Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What Are the Reasons for Draining a Lawn Mower Battery?

One of the common reasons for a draining battery is a loose connection. If the battery has a loose connection, then it will work more and drain more battery. In this case, you will need to check the connections of your battery and tighten all the cables. This is a simple process, and you can fix it without any hassle.

But sometimes, a battery can drain if it has a crack. This is a big problem, and you need to get it fixed as soon as possible. If the battery needs replacement, then you need to get it done with the help of a professional.

  1. How Often Should a Lawn Mower Battery Be Charged?

In general, you need to charge your lawn mower battery at least once a month. When the lawnmower is not in use, you can simply remove the battery and keep it in charge for 8 to 10 hours. Once the battery is fully charged, you can disconnect it and store it safely. Then you will need to charge it again when you are going to use it in the lawnmower again.

  1. How Can I Maintain a Lawn Mower Battery?

The first thing that you need to ensure is that you maintain a full charge in the battery. This way, the battery will be healthy, and its lifespan will be increased. But if you keep the battery in dead condition for a long time, then it will get affected by sulfation. And sulfation is not good for a battery because it will destroy it.

  1. What Is the Average Lifespan of a Lawnmower Battery?

A lawnmower battery can last up to 3 years. But this actually depends on how you use and maintain the battery.

  1. Can A Lawn Mower Battery Give Shock?

Yes, if you touch the charger plug or handle the lawnmower in wet hands, then it can give you a shock. This can lead to injuries or death. If you come in contact with water when using a lawnmower or handling a lawnmower battery, then you can get a shock.

  1. Can I Add Water to My Lawn Mower Battery?

Yes, you can add, but you need to use only distilled water. Distilled water helps prevent chemical reactions in the battery that can happen due to the use of tap water. The minerals in the tap water can decrease the charge holding capacity of the battery.


By maintaining wet cell batteries in the right way, you can keep them from dying. You need to charge the battery regularly and store it in a safe place. However, it is also easy to treat dead batteries if you know how to do it. You can follow the steps above to restore your lawn mower battery.

If you are interested in this technique and want to know more about it, then you can consider joining the EZ battery reconditioning program. With detailed courses on battery reconditioning, this program will guide you in restoring your battery easily.

battery reconditioning guide for beginners


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